Product specs for National Instruments Corporation 781658-02

National Instruments Corporation 781658-02

Product Description:

National Instruments Corporation 781658-02 NI 5732 14-bit, 80 MS/s, 2 Channel Digitizer Adapter Module

The NI 5731 adapter module for NI FlexRIO is a general-purpose digitizer designed to provide flexible measurement capabilities while offering the benefits of hardware customization through a user-programmable FPGA. At 12 bits of resolution, the module delivers much higher dynamic range than an 8-bit oscilloscope and enough bandwidth to acquire a variety of common signals on two simultaneously sampled channels. Software-selectable AC and DC coupling allow the module to interface to a variety of signal sources. A 2 Vpp input range with a 50 input impedance and 0 dB, 6 dB, or 12 dB of programmable gain provide maximum dynamic range for low-amplitude signals, while external attenuation (not supplied) can allow the module to safely acquire larger voltages. For time-domain applications, a selectable Bessel filter minimizes group delay over the input bandwidth. For frequency-domain applications, an elliptic filter maximizes flat bandwidth. Or, for maximum flexibility, a filter bypass path enables undersampling or external user-customizable input filtering. Twelve bidirectional digital I/O lines also permit digital device under test control and simple digital protocols.

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National Instruments Corporation 781658-02
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