Rohde & Schwarz 1335.7700.04
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Rohde & Schwarz 1335.7700.04 Digital 4 channel oscilloscope, 200 MHz bandwidth(upgradable up to 1GHz)sampling rate up to 5 GSa/s, sample memory up to 200MSa,ADC resolution 10 bit, 10" capacitives touch,4*passive probes

Designed with class-leading signal integrity and responsive ultra-deep memory, the R&S®RTA4000 brings the power of 10 to a new level. A Rohde & Schwarz designed 10-bit ADC plus class-leading noise and memory depth gives you sharp waveforms, more accurate measurements and confidence when facing unexpected measurement challenges.

The 10-bit A/D converter yields up to a fourfold improvement over conventional 8-bit A/D converters. The classleading low noise allows users to take advantage of this extra vertical resolution. You get sharper waveforms with signal details that would have been hidden on other scopes in this class.


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Rohde & Schwarz 1335.7700.04

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