Keysight Technologies Inc. N9937B
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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9937B FieldFox 18 GHz Signal Analyzer

N991xB/3xB are specifically designed to address test challenges in 5G, RADAR/EW and signal monitoring field and repair depot test. In addition to precise physical layer characterization of device and over the air signals. FieldFox also provides deeper signal analysis for wider bandwidth up to 100 MHz.

• 100 MHz of analysis bandwidth, I/Q capture and real-time bandwidth, wideband if output
• New anaysis bandwidth options (40 MHz option B04) (100 MHz option B10)
• 4-5 dB better DANL, up to 15 dB better in some bands
• 10 dB better phase noise
• Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System): GPS+SBAS, GLONASS, BDS, Galileo
• New high capacity battery with 71 WH and battery carry case


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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9937B

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United States