Anritsu MS4642B
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Anritsu MS4642B VNA; 10 MHz - 20 GHz; 2 Port (Option 61 or 62 required)

VectorStar Family of RF, μW, mmW VNAs

• Broadcast frequency span from a single coaxial test port covering 70 kHz to 70 GHz in a single instrument and 70 kHz to 145 GHz in the Broadband configuration. Extendable to 1.1 THz
• IMDView™ software coupled with the internal combiner option offers the ability to switch from S parameters to IMD measurements in a single connection
• Highest performance pulse measurements - PulseView™ offers 2.5 ns pulse resolution with 100 dB dynamic range
• 4-port single-ended or balanced measurements using DifferentialView™ analysis


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Anritsu MS4642B

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United States

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