Anritsu S331E
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Anritsu S331E Site Master; 2 MHz - 4 GHz Cable & Antenna Analyzer

Built on a trusted history of quality, expertise, and performance, the Site Master S331E/S332E/S361E/S362E compact cable and antenna analyzer series is the leading 2-port solution that provides coverage from 2 MHz to 4/6 GHz. This portable and rugged solution has a variety of configuration options that eliminate the need to carry and learn multiple instruments.

• Cable and antenna analyzer: faster than 1 ms/data point sweep speed and dual display, quickly characterize cable and antenna systems with return loss, VSWR, cable loss, distance to fault, phase and Smith chart
• Spectrum analyzer: 9 kHz to 4/6 GHz frequency range will help locate and identify various signals as low as -152 dBm with phase noise better than -100 dBc/Hz
• Interference hunting: identify interference from both illegal and unintentional signals that can degrade network performance and cause critical communication interuptions
• PIM testing: once PM is discovered, conduct sweeps using PIM Hunter™ probe to pinpoint PIM source
• Indoor/Outdoor coverage mapping: coupled with TRX NEON® MA8100A signal mapper, collect geo-referenced test data for RSSI and ACPR measurements


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Anritsu S331E

6 Weeks from
United States