The M9121A is a 4x64 full crosspoint switch matrix offering high-density, high-speed signal switching in a single PXI module. The 2-wire matrix allows multiple channels to be connected in a single instance. Any row can be connected to any column, making it ideal for routing instrument signals to the device under test. This 2-wire switch matrix provides the high-speed, long-life reed relays to support signal switching up 100Vrms with 10W maximum power. The 4-wide bus is ideal to route signals between test instruments and the device under test. Choose from the durable connector block or standard cable connections.
Software drivers support most common programming environments such as Visual Studio, C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, MATLAB and LabVIEW. The high-quality switches with durable connections ensure trustworthy measurements, and, with the high-speed reed relays, product throughput increases. Installation and configuration are fast and easy with the Keysight Connection Expert and soft front panels.
Visual Studio is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
MATLAB is a U.S. registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc.
LabVIEW is a registered trademark of National Instruments.