Keysight Technologies Inc. N9042B-550
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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9042B-550 Frequency Range, 2 Hz To 50 GHz

Test the real performance of your millimeter-wave (mmWave) innovations in 5G, satellite, radar, and more with our N9042B UXA X-Series signal analyzer and measurement applications. The N9042B provides the industry's widest analysis bandwidth and deepest dynamic range to help you solve your most difficult mmWave challenges - tight design margins and timelines, complex modulation, and stringent standards.

• See signals clearly with an unbanded, preselected sweep from 2 Hz to 50 GHz and 4 GHz of analysis bandwidth
• Test the true performance of your 5G NR transmitter with the industry's best error vector magnitude (EVM)
• Find out-of-band emissions or spurs quickly in your radar designs with the industry's best swept displayed average noise level (DANL)
• Develop high-throughput satellite communication designs with 4 GHz of corrected analysis bandwidth


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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9042B-550

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