Keysight Technologies Inc. MSOS254A
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Keysight Technologies Inc. MSOS254A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope - Infiniium S Series 2.5 GHz 4 channel

Infiniium S-Series high-definition oscilloscopes incorporate new technology to deliver superior measurements. A 10-bit ADC, low-noise front end, correction filters, vertical scaling support down to 2 mV/division, and a precise time base produce high-fidelity measurements. In addition, its advanced frame and broad range of capability enable the S-Series oscilloscopes to tackle a wide range of test needs.

Industry's best signal integrity
• 1 GHz bandwidths with flat frequency response for high signal fidelity
• 20 GSa/s maximum sample rate
• 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for high vertical resolution
• Low-noise front end with system ENOBof 6.4

Most advanced platform
• 15 capacitive touch screen with multi-touch support
• Intel i5 motherboard with 8G RAM for fast processing
• Standard solid state drive for fast boot and high reliability
• USB 3.0 and Ethernet with offload speeds up to 200 MB/s

Broadest range of capability
• Upgrade to a higher bandwidth
• Capture long records with 50 Mpts/channel standard memory depth
• Choose from a wide range of protocol, compliance, and analysis options
• Supports a wide variety of voltage, current, differential, single-ended, active, and passive probes


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Keysight Technologies Inc. MSOS254A

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United States