Microtest, Inc. OMNIScanner
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Microtest, Inc. OMNIScanner 300MHz Cable tester (P/N 8220-00)

TIA Test standards: Cat 5, Cat 5E, Cat 6, Cat 7
ISO Test standards: Class C, D, E, F

OMNIScanner is the most advanced, versatile cable tester, with the capability to certify Category 5 and Enhanced Category 5. OMNIScanner also has a dynamic range of 100dB that enables OMNIScanner to accurately test to Category 6 and Category 7 to 300MHz and guaranteed compliant to Category 6 when ratified. Kit includes OMNIScanner, OMNIRemote, Scanlink CD, carrying case, (1) DB9M to DB9F serial cable, (2) power supplies, (2) Mod 8 test cables, (2) Mod 8 adapters and user documentation.OMNIScanner is the most advanced, versatile cable tester, with the capability to certify Category 5 and Enhanced Category 5. OMNIScanner also has a dynamic range of 100dB that enables OMNIScanner to accurately test to Category 6 and Category 7 to 300MHz and guaranteed compliant to Category 6 when ratified. Kit includes OMNIScanner, OMNIRemote, Scanlink CD, carrying case, (1) DB9M to DB9F serial cable, (2) power supplies, (2) Mod 8 test cables, (2) Mod 8 adapters and user documentation.
ATM155,51,155 62.5um,155 50 um
ATM155 SWL,ATM622 62.5
Lucent GigaSpeed,Amp Quantum L
Amp Quantum Channel,IBM ACS
Built-In Fast Charger
Test Functions: Wire Map,NEXT
Return Loss,Attenuation,ELFEXT


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