B&K Precision TL-5A
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B&K Precision TL-5A 5A Hook-Up Cable Set

Models 9110 and 9111 are a new type of power supply. Unlike conventional power supplies with fixed output ratings, they automatically recalculate voltage and current limits for each setting, providing any Volt/Amp combination within the rated power. By providing greatly expanded choices of maximum power Volt/Amp combinations, users can cut down on the number of power supplies required and free up valuable bench space.

  • Output rating up to 180 W within 60 V/ 8 A (model 9111) or 100 W within 60 V/ 5 A (model 9110)
  • Digitally controlled, multi-ranging output
  • 10mV/1mA resolution over the full range
  • Bright, easy to read display
  • Very compact and lightweight
  • Low ripple and noise
  • OCP, OVP and OTP protection
  • Output On/Off control
  • Store and Recall 4 x 100 groups of preset Volt/Amp values

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