Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. AS-5085-SR 36 FT Heavy Duty Naval Whip Antenna

AS-5085-SR - Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. 36 FT Heavy Duty Naval Whip Antenna

Warranty: 1 Year
Shipping: FOB Origin
Ships in: 24 Weeks
Country of Origin: Canada
SIN: 334515
Part No:
GSA Schedule: Exp.:02 Feb. 2025

U.S. Government, Military
and Contractors only
Price: Do you qualify for GSA Schedule?


Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. 36 FT Heavy Duty Naval Whip Antenna

The AS-5085/SR was specifically designed to the strict requirements of the Canadian Navy and is the world's best antenna in its class.

Service and field tests have proven this class of antenna to meet any operational requirement. In fact, several of these antennas were tested at White Sands, New Mexico, in a simulated atomic blast and performance expectations were greatly surpassed.

Additional Details

Type: New commercial
Calibration: New

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