Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. AS-3226B-URC VHF Vertical Dipole Antenna

AS-3226B-URC - Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. VHF Vertical Dipole Antenna

Warranty: 1 Year
Shipping: FOB Origin
Ships in: 24 Weeks
Country of Origin: Canada
SIN: 334515
Part No:
GSA Schedule: Exp.:02 Feb. 2025

U.S. Government, Military
and Contractors only
Price: Do you qualify for GSA Schedule?


Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. VHF Vertical Dipole Antenna

The AS-3226C/URC VHF Dipole Antenna is a rugged, self-supporting vertically polarized broadband antenna, covering the frequency range of 30 to 108 MHz. This general purpose antenna can be used in the "transmit" or "receive" mode.

The antenna is designed for use under sever environmental conditions encountered aboard naval ships.

The antenna radiating elements are housed in a single-piece fibreglass radome with a fibreglass mounting flange.

The AS-3226C/URC can handle up to 1000 Watts of RF power over the 30-108 MHz frequency range and boasts a VSWR of less than 3.0:1 over the entire operating frequency range.

The antenna has been qualified to MIL-S-901C for shock, MIL-STD-167 Type 1 vibration, and all the service conditions of MIL-E-16400.

Additional Details

Type: New commercial
Calibration: New

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