Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc. 35 FT Heavy Duty Shipboard Antenna
Valcom's AS-2537C/SR 35-foot whip antenna was designed and built to meet the U.S. Navy requirements for shipboard antennas, specifically MIL-A-24319B(EC) and NAVELEX 0967-423-9010. It meets or exceeds these requirements in every respect.
The mechanical strength is achieved with a patented process using high strength filament fibreglass and epoxy resin. The base section acts as an insulator as the feed-point is 12" from the bottom. The base section is an integral part of the antenna thus giving maximum strength. Electrical stability is obtained by employing multiple beryllium copper conductors imbedded in the epoxy fibreglass. A specially designed bronze ferrule is used to join the two sections together.
This antenna is in operational use by the following Navies: United States, Canadian,British, Australian, Greek, Spanish and South Korean. Over 3000 of these antenna have been manufactured since 1969 and some of the original models are still in service.