Tektronix RSA5BUP-300 High performance real time hardware, customer installable

RSA5BUP-300 - Tektronix High performance real time hardware..

Warranty: 0 Stnd
Shipping: FOB Origin
Ships in: 8 Weeks
Country of Origin: United States
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GSA Schedule: Exp.:

U.S. Government, Military
and Contractors only
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Tektronix High performance real time hardware, customer installable

Visualize and characterize devices and components with precision and accuracy using the powerful, industry leading RSA5000B Real Time Spectrum Analyzer. This advanced spectrum analyzer makes high performance and sensitivity measurements for spurious signals much faster than other spectrum analyzers, so you can conduct conventional measurements and troubleshoot quickly, accurately and successfully.

Additional Details

Type: New commercial
Calibration: New

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