Anritsu MS4640B-035 Option 35; IF Digitizer

MS4640B-035 - Anritsu Option 35; IF Digitizer

Warranty: 0 Stnd
Shipping: FOB Destination
Ships in: 6 Weeks
Country of Origin: United States
SIN: 334515
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GSA Schedule: GS-35F-0311R Exp.:02 Feb. 2025

U.S. Government, Military
and Contractors only
Price: Do you qualify for GSA Schedule?


Anritsu Option 35; IF Digitizer

- Broadest frequency span from a single coaxial test port covering 70 kHz to 70 GHz in a single instrument and 70 kHz to 145 GHz in the Broadband configuration. Extendable to 1.1 THz - Highest performance pulse measurements- PulseView™ offers 2.5 ns pulse resolution with 100 dB dynamic range - 4-port single-ended or balanced measurements using DifferentialView™ analysis - Superior Dynamic Range - up to 142 dB - High available power - up to +14 dBm - Best test port characteristic performance - up to 50 dB in Directivity, Source Match and Load Match - Most convenient automatic calibration system with best accuracy - Best time domain analysis

The VectorStar™ family is Anritsu's Premium VNA line, providing the highest overall performance on a modern platform. The MS4640B VectorStar VNA offers the broadest coverage in a single instrument, 70 kHz to 70 GHz. The additional two decades at the low end are even more impressive than the guaranteed 70 GHz coverage on the high end.


PulseView™, when combined with the innovative IF digitizing option, offers industry-leading 2.5 ns pulse resolution and 100 dB dynamic range with no compromises or trade-offs due to varying duty cycles. PulseView provides real time display of pulse measurements while dynamically modifying pulse parameters for immediate design validation.

DifferentialView™, when combined with the dual internal source option, offers real time display analysis of differential devices, drivers, and components while actively modifying phase and magnitude relationships of the internal dual sources.

The noise figure option is based on a cold source technique for improved noise figure measurement accuracy. VectorStar is the only VNA platform capable of measuring noise figure from 70 kHz to 125 GHz and available with an optimized noise receiver for measurements from 30 GHz to 125 GHz.

For broadband applications, the ME7838 Series offers superior performance and coverage spanning a range from 70 kHz to 110 GHz, 125 GHz and 145 GHz in a single coaxial test port. The Anritsu developed Non-linear Transmission Line mmWave module is compact while providing high performance up to 145 GHz.

The Anritsu MS4640B Vector Network Analyzer offers a new level of performance for device modeling engineers struggling to accurately and reliably characterize their devices, for R&D engineers pushing the last fraction of a dB out of their state-of-the-art designs, and for the manufacturing engineer trying to maximize throughput without sacrificing accuracy. Backed by a 3-year warranty and the most responsive sales support team, the MS4640B is the VNA of choice for the discerning engineer.

Additional Details

  • Available NEW for official U.S. Government & Authorized Contractor purchase only
  • This is available to Authorized User Groups and Agencies for delivery to CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Commercial and non-US entities are not authorized to purchase from GSA MSA contracts and may not reference GSA prices.
Type: GSA Schedule
Calibration: New, ANSI-Z540
DUNS: #08-643-8152
Tax ID: 94-3310442
CAGE code: 1RPN6
DODAAC: Q90079
Small business credit applies for this item.

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