Anritsu MS2840A-040 3.6GHz Signal Analyzer

MS2840A-040 - Anritsu 3.6GHz Signal Analyzer

Warranty: 0 Stnd
Shipping: FOB Origin
Ships in: 6 Weeks
Country of Origin: Japan
Part No:
GSA Schedule: Exp.:

U.S. Government, Military
and Contractors only
Price: Do you qualify for GSA Schedule?


Anritsu 3.6GHz Signal Analyzer

The Anritsu MS2840A's carrier close-in SSB phase noise performance is overwhelmingly best-of-class for middle range models. The MS2840A supports measurements across a wide frequency band ranging from applications such as microwave wireless backhaul, requiring high phase-noise performance to mesure transmitter carrier close-in spurious to VHF/UHF private mobile radio (PMR).

Additional Details

Type: New commercial
Calibration: New

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