Keysight Technologies Inc. M9393A-F08
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Keysight Technologies Inc. M9393A-F08 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 8.4 GHz

The M9393A is the realization of our microwave measurement expertise in modular form. It integrates core signal-analysis capabilities with hardware speed and accuracy, enabling you to tailor your system to fit specific needs today and tomorrow. Deploy the M9393A¿and acquire the performance edge in PXI.

The M9393A is comprised of four individual PXIe modules - M9365A PXIe downconverter, M9308A PXIe synthesizer, M9214A PXIe digitizer, and M9300A PXIe frequency reference. The M9300A PXIe frequency reference module can be shared between multiple modular instruments. With frequency range extension (3.6 GHz to 50 GHz) Option FRX, the M9169E PXI-H switchable-input programmable step attenuator module is also recommended.


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Keysight Technologies Inc. M9393A-F08

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