Anritsu VNA Master; 2-port; 5 kHz - 6 GHz + Spectrum Analyzer 9 kHz - 9 GHz
Made In USA
The industry's first - and still best - handheld Vector Network Analyzer with frequency coverage to 20 GHz supports cable, antenna, component and signal analysis. The MS202xC/3xC models offer high-performance S-parameters in a true 2-port configuration, vector voltmeter analysis and frequency coverage from 6/15/20 GHz. Combining the VNA with a powerful spectrum analyzer the MS203xC models are the ideal instruments for SATCOM, avionics flight-line , radar cross-section testing, and ILS glide-slope system analysis and interference analysis. MS203xC models with optional AM/FM/PM Analyzer and new burst detect feature easily captures fast-transient and high-rate TDMA signals. Optional 1-port differential analysis is ideal for field testing SATA/SERDES high-speed data lines.