Keysight Technologies Inc. 33621A 33600A Series Waveform generator, 120 MHz, 1-channel

33621A - Keysight Technologies Inc. 33600A Series Waveform generator, 120..

Warranty: 0 Stnd
Shipping: FOB Origin
Ships in: 6 Weeks
Country of Origin: Malaysia
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Standard equipment

- Power cord
- Certificate of Calibration
- Keysight Trueform Series Product Reference CD (product software, programming examples, and manuals)
- Keysight IO Libraries Suite CD
- USB 2.0 cable


Keysight Technologies Inc. 33600A Series Waveform generator, 120 MHz, 1-channel

Keysight 33600A Series waveform generators with exclusive Trueform signal generation technology offer more capability, fidelity and flexibility than previous generation DDS generators. Easily generate the full range of signals you need to your devices with confidence the signal generator is outputting the signals you expect.

Overcome your signal generation test challenges with Trueform Technology: View test challenge examples

The 33621A can be easily upgraded as your needs change.

NOTE: 1-channel generators cannot be upgraded to 2-channel generators.

Exclusive Trueform technology

  • Unmatched capabilities for generating a full range of signals for your most demanding measurements
  • Sine waves with 5x lower harmonic distortion for more pure signals
  • Pulses up to 100 MHz with <1 ps jitter for more precise timing
  • Trueform arbitrary waveforms with sequencing for more accurate representation of user-defined signals

Instrument features

  • 1 GSa/s sampling rate for higher time resolution arbitrary waveforms
  • 14-bit resolution with 1 mVpp to 10 Vpp amplitude for greater amplitude accuracy
  • 4 MSa/channel standard waveform memory, optional 64 MSa/channel for your longest waveforms
  • USB, LAN (LXI-Core), GPIB optional for quick and easy connectivity to PC or network
  • BenchVue Enabled. Control your waveform generator from your PC easily.

Waveform creation and editing

  • 33503A BenchLink Waveform Builder Basic & Pro and Basic Software
  • Create a waveform from the front panel using the built-in editor
  • Capture a waveform from an o scilloscope and download it directly to the generator
  • Create a waveform in MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, etc. and download it to the generator

Additional Details

Type: New commercial
Calibration: New

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